Announcement! Announcement!

I am excited. Everyday Mermaid, our poetry art book, is now available online.

The digital landscape brings both a magical luminesce and a closer look at the tactile cut, layered, and stitched fabric art cradling the poems. The book is now available online and as a digital download through a thousand flowers®.  The synergy of these different viewing options creates a new exploratory artwork.

This is our way of celebrating April’s National Poetry Month.

Get your copy:


International Women's Day


Another side of being a woman is a tremendous feeling of beauty, fragility, delicateness, pleasure. Our bodies can feel the full pulse of life. I am grateful to be born a woman.

To the Flower Garden_smaller (3).png

Post Insurrection Poem


a little at sea
is me
as I sit
in this gorgeous
sonoma day—
wittering birds
sun shining trees
slight breeze—
coming down
slowly from
hard days
worrying—a loose noose
‘round my neck
while letting in
nature’s gift
slow    ly
the sea
is me.